Escape Games & Murder Parties
Escape Games

During the
School Holidays


Escape Game: Game Over

You’ll have 1 hour and 15 minutes to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Countess Sophie, with guidance by two private detectives. Delve into the world of games rooms of the late 19th century and demonstrate thought and foresight, to be worthy of the Escape Game of the Château du Plessis-Macé.

15 years and up I 3 to 7 players

Prices: 7 players €20 per person – 6 players €22 per person – 5 players €25 per person – 4 players €30 per person – 3 players €35 per person By reservation

by Email:
by Telephone: +33 (0)2 41 32 67 93

Make a reservation


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During the
School Holidays


Giant Escape Game

When the butler decides to get revenge on the owner of the premises, a rich, miserly aristocrat, it’s going to be a long night… It’ up to you to discover the secrets of the castle in order to understand, unlock and solve the clues that will lead you to the way out…

15 years and up I 1 h 25 mins I minimum 30 players I from €30 per person.
By reservation, on +33 (0)2 41 32 67 93

Make a reservation

During the
School Holidays


L’Ombre d’un doute

La comtesse Sophie Walsh de Serrant vous a invité à découvrir l’avancement des travaux de modernisation de son château. Et en plus, elle vous a promis une séance de spiritisme après la visite. Une soirée mouvementée se prépare où rien ne se passera comme prévu. Venez découvrir le jeu de rôle : incarnez un personnage, vivez l’aventure, prenez des décisions et espérez que les dés seront de votre côté !

Pour débutant et confirmé.

À partir de 14 ans | 2h30 min | 2 à 6 joueurs | Tarif unique : 12€ par personne

Sur réservation pendant les vacances scolaires
Réservation par téléphone au 02 41 32 67 93 ou par mail

Make a reservation

Opening time

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in nulla egestas libero malesuada dapibus eget eu nisi. Morbi vitae nulla cursus, vestibulum neque vitae, pulvinar nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

Practical information

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in nulla egestas libero malesuada dapibus eget eu nisi. Morbi vitae nulla cursus, vestibulum neque vitae, pulvinar nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

During the
School Holidays


Murder Party: Elementary, my dear corpse

Here’s a detective novel that you won’t read, and with good reason: you are part of it! As detective, witness, suspect and maybe even culprit, you’ll have one hour to solve the mystery of the chatelain’s murder. Rise to the challenge and write the final chapter of this secret story!

18 years and up I 6 to 14 players I €40 per person

All year round, by reservation, on +33 (0)2 41 32 67 93

Make a reservation
Murder Parties